Oh totally. Even when My Tom is very tired form work I can get him to pound my ass. While he's in the shower I link our computer to the TV in the living room or the bedroom I put on one of your videos by the end of it no matter how long he worked. My pussy is soaked, His cock is rock hard , he has forgotten how tired he is and readies up my rear with a nice thorough rim job. I tickle his balls and asshole so he doesnt cum to fast. I will usually rock him to sleep with my asshole , riding his cock cowgirl style . after he cums he drits off to lala land. but in the morning he's rested erect and ready to fill my rectum with more cum. you help thyat happen by making the world a sexier more anal place.
As a couple who enjoys porn and share a fetish for anal sex, we watch lots and lots of anal porn. My husband Tom is older by 11 y e a r s he turned me into an anal lover. We think that with the thousands of women who we have watched you above all have the most amazing asshole EVER!!!!!! its so big and your asslips are so full of nooks and crannies. I am also bisexual and adore older women. I would gladly watch your man fill your ass with cum , then I would lick his hot wad out of your ass, I would lick every wrinkle and fold of your rectal pucker.